I’m a front-end developer looking for a new role in an exciting company. I focus on writing accessible HTML, using modern CSS practices and writing clean JavaScript. When writing JavaScript code, I mostly use React, but I can adapt to whatever tools are required. I’m based in Los Angeles, California, but I’m happy working remotely and have experience in remote teams. When I’m not coding, you’ll find me at the rock climbing gym or making Youtube videos. I’d love for you to check out my work.
Curious about my abilities? I have a YouTube Channel where I celebrate software development and share tips and tricks for building projects. The motivation for the channel is to solidify different topics I'm learning because research shows the best way to learn something is to teach it! Another motivation is to have a solid example of my workflow and skillset for potential employers.
I used a design from a website called frontendmentor.io to build this app. The frontend is built with React and Styled Components. It calls a backend Express API I built to serve the thumbnail images and json data. The frontend state is managed with a useReducer hook and I had a fun time learning about node readable and writable streams to serve the images and data over http.